Tuesday, 26 October 2010

TKAM Anticipation guide

2) You can never justify hating someone else.
I disagree with this statement. It is very easy and very possible to justify hating someone. I have had people that I have hated throughout my entire life. There have been other times where I have hated someone for just a day. Usually the reason to hating someone has to do with what has happened between the people in the past. Some people can get into a fight and hate each other for a period of time, and I mean really hate the other persons guts, and then turn out to be good friends a year later. I have hated someone in the past because of how they treated me. They were always mean to me and always made fun of me. It got on my nerves, and I eventually got really mad at that person to the extent of hating him. The reason he did these things to me was because of his manipulation, and what annoyed him was that he could not use it on me. I was impermeable to his tricks and games and he could not get me to do what he wanted me to do. I rued that boy, but now that I haven't seen him in a while I do not anymore. If I were to meet him again, I do not believe that I would hate him nearly as much as I did before, and I can justify why I hated him.

6) If you are truly innocent then you have nothing to fear from a judicial system.
I disagreed with this statement. It can be a terrifying experience to be in a court of law. You can be the most innocent man in the world, and yet you can still be sent to prison because of some lawyer. In a court of law the lawyer is the man that can possibly get you into jail, as the jury will go with which story sounds better most of the time. In the Scottsboro Boys - An American Tragedy, the boys did absolutely nothing to those girls and were all convicted of rape, and were almost put to death. It shows that the system of law can sometimes be wrong, and a lot of the time, it is incorrect. Now there are many times where it is correct, but there are others where it just depends on how people think of you. There have been cases where a man has been convicted of something, and is placed in prison, while the actual convict is let out onto the streets once more. It is very sad that this happens but sometimes the jury just can't tell, and so they go with what the best evidence and story, even though it may not be correct. That documentary shows that it is terrifying to go into a court room, especially in their time period and living in Alabama. It was a depiction of how racism could lead to someone's death.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Sasha Short Story

Sash Sashkin lived in Moscow. He had an embarrassing moment where he tripped over a candelabra in Uhov. He then went to the doctors office and saw a person who had been hit by an ambulance. "Oh the irony," he said. He walked into the doctors office and saw a very gaudy smile. After he got a cast from apparently breaking his leg he headed back to Moscow. He was then able to continue his work as an antique seller. Finding the broken candelabra as he searched his dusty shop. It was completely bent and some bits had the paint chipped off. He felt bad since it was his favorite antique in the shop.

- Yianni Woods

I found that one bit from The Destroyers which included imagery, was the dark and kind of broken house. It was still intact, but it was kind of hunched to the side and it just looked broken. It was a very interesting bit of the story, and I thought it was personified quite a bit in the story.